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Top 3 Dr. Seuss Books

  1. Oh, The Places You'll Go! By Dr. Seuss is known as the last book that was published by Dr. Seuss before his death in 1991. This particular story is about the journey of life and the joys, struggles, and self-discovery that takes place as we travel through this life.

2. One Fish two fish red fish blue fish is a wonderful tale of our old friend Dr. Seuss. This story follows a boy and girl as they talk all through all of the many interesting friends that they have. I like to think this story is reminding me that there are so many unique people in this world that you have yet to meet. Because of this, it makes sense to keep an open mind and understand that there is nothing wrong with being different.

3. The Cat in the Hat is Dr. Seuss story about a cat who visits the home of two children while their parents are away. The children allow the cat to perform some tricks with his hat, only as Thing 1 and Thing 2 are wreaking havoc. This is a fun, playful children's story that started the run of a long tradition in keeping with Dr. Seuss' "Cat in the Hat". The cultural relevance of this story permeated generations and artistic media over the ensuing decades following the publishing of this children's tale.

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